The content item was converted correctly but you cannot view the generated PDF file in Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Prevent future occurrences of this problem by increasing the appropriate conversion factor on the Timeout Settings page in the Inbound Refinery administration interface. You can also look at the Inbound Refinery and agent log files. Inbound Refinery did not have enough time to process the file: You can detect this by filtering for the conversion status PassThru in Repository Manager. Restarting Inbound Refinery will usually fix this problem. The Inbound Refinery's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is frozen: This is usually associated with failed attempts to convert invalid file formats. Always turn off all such features before using a third-party application for conversion purposes.
The third-party application that is used for conversion starts up with items that require user interaction, such as startup dialogs, tip wizards, or update notices: This prevents Inbound Refinery from processing and converting the files correctly, and the conversion will time out. Inbound Refinery is trying to convert a file that is not appropriate for the conversion engine: For example, if a file from an application other than Microsoft Word has the extension doc, the document is opened in Microsoft Word, which is not correct. Therefore, any information in the document that is outside of the document's print area will not be included in the generated PDF. Information within the document is outside of the document's print area: Depending on the native application used to create the document and how your system is set up, a document is sometimes printed to a PostScript file, and the PostScript file is then converted to PDF. If the problem is not specific to a single file, or you cannot identify a problem within the files that is causing the conversion to fail, the problem is most likely related to the distiller engine that you are using.Ĭontent items are often converted incorrectly, or not at all, for the following reasons: If the file is printing to PostScript successfully but failing to convert to PDF, again first try checking in another, smaller, less complex file of the same type. The IDC PDF Converter PostScrpt printer is not named or set up properly. The IDC PDF Converter PostScript printer is not installed. Most failure to print to PostScript issues are related to the following possible causes: If the file is failing to print to PostScript, try printing the file to PostScript manually. For more information about configuring timeout values, see Chapter 21. If multiple files are timing out, adjust your timeout values and re-submit the files for conversion. If the file is timing out during conversion, first try checking in another, smaller, less complex file of the same type. For more information about viewing Inbound Refinery and agent logs and enabling verbose logging for agents, see Chapter 21. Look at the Inbound Refinery and agent logs and identify which step of the conversion process failed (printing to PostScript, PostScript to PDF conversion, etc.). If a PDF is not generated when a file is checked into the Content Server, follow basic troubleshooting: If the problem is specific to a single file, the problem is most likely related to something within the file itself, such as file corruption, file setup and formatting, and so forth. For example, if you are having problems converting a Microsoft Excel document to PDF, try checking in other Microsoft Excel documents preferably files that are smaller and less complex.

When troubleshooting PDF conversion issues, you should first try to identify if the issue is related to just one specific file, all files of that type, or all files. When a file is checked into the Content Server, a PDF is not generated.Ī PDF is generated, but there are problems with the output. The vast majority of PDF conversion issues fall into one of the following categories: 45.1.1 Troubleshooting Process for PDF Conversion Issues